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1 Inch Air Filters

Filterking manufactures 1" pleated air filters that are guaranteed to fit your AC or furnace perfectly. If you don’t find your size listed below, don’t worry! You can easily create a custom filter using our custom filter tool. Rest easy knowing that our products are backed by a 30-day guarantee, meaning you never have to stress about selecting the wrong size.

Filter Size

Available 1 Inch Air Filters

Can’t find your 1 inch air filter? Click here for Custom Air Filters

What Filter Rating is Ideal?

When shopping for HVAC filters for your home or office, you’ll find a variety of rating options. Ideally, you should be following the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating scale. This is the only consumer standard rating system. It was developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to help homeowners.

Any filters with a MERV rating, regardless of type or brand, will provide the same level of filtration as any other product with the same MERV rating. The higher MERV rating, the more contaminants it removes from the air.

Other rating systems are proprietary and not consistent across brands and types. You may also see MPR, or microparticle rating (a system created by 3M) or filter performance rating (FPR). The FPR is exclusive to Home Depot stores.

MERV ratings run from 1 to 20. The filters recommended for use in your home’s AC or furnace fall between MERV 8 and MERV 13. For those without pets or breathing issues, a MERV 8 provides enough filtration. They protect against pollen, dust, lint, dirt, mold spores, and smog.

For pet owners, a MERV 11 provides better filtration. It removes additional airborne particles, including pet dander.

For those with asthma, severe allergies, or other health conditions affecting the lungs, the MERV 13 is the highest level of filtration recommended for residential use. It filters smoke, some types of bacteria and viruses, and more.

MERV 14 and higher is only recommended for healthcare and other areas where the cleanest air possible is required. Using them in your residential system will only cause the system to work harder than necessary.

How Often Do I Need to Change My Air Filter?

You can expect to go between three to five months before you need to change it. Check it monthly to make sure it’s still clean. Dirty filters block airflow, which makes your system work harder. This increases your energy bills and wears the HVAC out faster.

Keep Your Air Clean With Our Subscription Service

If you don’t want the hassle of remembering when it’s time to change the filter, sign up for our free reminder service. Want to make sure you always have a clean one on hand when you need it? Subscribe to our delivery service. Choose the products you need, and how often you want them to be delivered. We take care of the rest.